It’s the little things in life that count and the same goes for recycling. For instance, some of the most overlooked recyclables are empty cardboard paper towel and toilet paper rolls! Most people don’t even think twice before tossing these small products into the trash can and many don’t realize that they are perfect for the recycling bin.

Want to go the extra mile? Try upcycling them! There are so many amazing ways to transform a toilet paper roll into something useful.  Although the classic paper towel roll sword battle can be a lot of fun, once you try some of these other ways to reuse your rolls, you’ll be thinking twice before destroying your rolls in combat.

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Bird Feeders

toilet paper roll bird feeders

Supporting our planet by recycling is always a great thing so why not give back to the wildlife in our world by transforming a toilet paper roll into a bird feeder? All you have to do is cover the roll with peanut butter (or a alternate nut butter if allergies are a concern) roll in bird feed and hang it up on a tree in your yard for the birds to enjoy. This is the perfect two-in-one option; upcycling and giving back to nature at the same time.

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DIY Bracelets

DIY Bracelets

An excellent way to create new creative accessories is through upcycling old materials.  This craft is not just for kids, if you put a little elbow grease into it, you can make some stunning jewelry. This doesn’t have to be an expensive DIY project, simply see what else you have laying around the house and put it to good use. Try adding beading, ribbon, lace and any other materials you already have! Toilet paper rolls make the perfect templates to place your decorations on top of and fit snuggly around your wrist to be worn like a cuff! A simple, easy and inexpensive way to start making sustainable jewelry.

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Cord Wraps

paper towel roll cord wraps

Slip long electronic cables into empty rolls to keep them compact, tangle-free and organized. This idea is a personal favorite of mine and something I would certainly recommend you trying at home! I use this trick for storing hair dryers and curling irons, but it works perfectly for any unsightly and annoying cords. Adding a little bit of artistic flare can make this project not only practical but also pretty! A simple paint job or colored paper around the roll (upcycle these as well) will keep your cords separated and match any room you have them in. Who knew a toilet paper roll could keep you organize and enhance your space?

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toilet paper roll gift wraps

Stand your empty toilet paper rolls up on your desk and turn them into a pencil holder. They are also an excellent solution to corralling craft supplies.  Or even organize your socks and underwear drawer!  Rolls are the perfect size for a pair of socks or underwear. Never again will you have to worry about having your unmentionables go missing. Stand the rolls up in your drawer to create the perfect storage unit with unlimited amounts of possibilities for keeping your items organized.

Planning on taking a trip soon? Pack your small garments and jewelry inside rolls, so they don’t get lost or damaged. Fold in the ends of your rolls to create small boxes perfect for transporting rings, necklaces, and earrings. These boxes also make a great option for small gifts. The possibilities are endless!

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Shoe & Boot inserts.

old cowboy boots

Tired of buying new shoes and only being able to wear them a couple of times before they get misshapen and wrinkled? Toilet paper rolls could be the solution you’ve been looking for! By slipping an empty toilet paper roll into your shoe, it will prevent any bending or flattening out! This trick will help your shoes keep their shape and you’ll be able to get a lot more use out of them even after being crammed into a full shoe closet!

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Keep your wrapping paper wrapped up!

toilet paper wrapping paper holders

The biggest struggle of every holiday season is when your wrapping paper rolls decide to have a mind of their own and start to unravel all over the place. To keep your wrapping station neat and tidy, cut a slit in the toilet paper roll and slide it over the wrapping paper. This will act as a cuff around it, holding it together compactly.

You’ll be on a roll in no time and all your paper problems will be wiped away. Now that’s a wrap!

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