Game Day Recycling Dog House

Are you a fan of football? Do you love to recycle? Are you always down for a little friendly competition? If you said yes to all three of these then you should definitely sign your college or university up to take part in the Game Day Challenge. The game plan is to implement waste reduction practices during home games, schools then keep track of the amount of waste that gets collected, then that data is used to determine which schools ranked the highest (per capita) in several categories.

Here are the materials that will be accepted during the Game Day Challenge:


  • Boxboard / chipboard
  • Programs
  • Newspaper
  • Office paper (all colors)

Beverage Containers

  • Plastic bottles (e.g., soda, water, bottles)
  • Plastic cups
  • Aluminum cans
  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Steel cans

Corrugated Cardboard

  • Cardboard boxes

Mixed Recyclable Materials

  • Any of the materials listed under paper, bottle and can, and corrugated cardboard recycling collected in a mixed manner such as single-stream Organics
  • Pre and post-consumer food waste that is donated, reused, or composted
  • Compostable dinnerware, napkins, etc. that is composted


  • Municipal solid waste (MSW) disposed via landfill or incinerator

Who would’ve thought that Football and Sustainability could make such a great team! Whether your school places first or last it doesn’t matter, we all win (we’re going to need one huge bucket of sports drink!) by diverting waste from landfills and keeping the environment clean. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take part in such an awesome program but be sure to hustle – the registration deadline is September 30, 2014!

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