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Busch Systems Glossary Terms


What are National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)?

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are standards outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency to identify pollutants in the atmosphe...


What is the National Environment Policy Act (NEPA)?

The National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) is a law passed by the United States Congress in 1970 to promote sustainability and to create the Presid...


What is the National Green Building Standard?

The National Green Building Standard is a voluntary program designed to assess the design, construction, and renovation of residential buildings ab...


What is New Urbanism?

New Urbanism is a form of city planning looks at moving away from traditional, single-use, low-density building patterns. It emphasizes the use of...


What are Non-Renewable Resources?

Definition Non-renewable Resources are resources that...

What is the National Sword?

A law imposed by China that bans the importation of certain types of solid waste, that was previously allowed. Setting a limitation of 0.5% contami...


What are NPRI Facilities?

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) Facility Data provides information on pollutant releases, disposals and transfers for recycling reporte...


What are Non-Attainment Cities?

Non Attainment Cities: Non-attainment cities (NAC)- Cities are declared nonattainment if over a 5-year period they consistently do not meet the Nat...


What is a Net Energy Balance?

The difference between the energy produced (usually by a type of fuel) and the energy it takes to produce it. The concept is used in the study of e...