Your Direct Source for Customizable Recycling Bins & Waste Containers

Busch Systems Glossary Terms


What is a Landfill?

Definition Landfills are locations where disposable m...

What is LEED?

The Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (or LEED) is a third-party certification program by the U. S. Green Building Council that sets the ...


What is a Low Carbon Economy (LCE)?

A low carbon economy is a system that aims to minimize its output of greenhouse gasses while functioning as a typical economic program. This struc...


What is a Location?

A location is how a business can be divided into different geographic regions. If your company has multiple buildings in different areas of town, o...


What are Low-Flow Toilets?

A low-flush toilet (or low-flow toilet or high-efficiency toilet) is a flush toilet that uses significantly less water than traditional high-flow t...