The City of Greensboro was allocated $2.5 million from the Federal Government through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in 2009. To receive the funds, the City had to submit a proposed Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (EECS). The strategies had to include measurable goals and objectives that were comprehensive and community-wide. We worked with our Community Sustainability Council (CSC) to develop a set of recommendations based on information received from public meetings, best practices and technical consultants. The recommendations that were selected consisted of Community-Based Programs, Education/Outreach and Public Infrastructure.
The City Solid Waste Division submitted proposals related to community based programs and public infrastructure. The Community-Based program goals were to increase residential recycling tons by expanding the current Multi-Family recycling pilot. Also, to consider options for a recycling incentive plan or rewards program for residential customers. The Public Infrastructure goal was to improve City facility recycling efforts. Most of our recycling education and service enhancements focused on our external residential and commercial customers, this philosophy changed to target City employees and their work environments. Again, the goal was to educate all City Departments on the importance of recycling and actually enhance our stewardship by increasing City recycling tons and reduce City disposal costs.
Greensboro’s Solid Waste Division received roughly $370,000 of the 2.5 million received in Federal funding. The task was to develop various projects to increase the recycling opportunities, becoming more energy efficient and realize annual cost savings or cost differential for our community-at-large and the City of Greensboro. Through a competitive process, Busch Systems was the vendor of choice for all the bids. Some of the most visible projects included the purchase 82 two-in-one combo units. Fifty-six of the units were allocated for the Municipal parking decks in downtown and the other 26 units were placed at various locations at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex. The next project included purchasing 2500 16 gallon bins for the Greensboro Housing Authority to implement Public Housing recycling at 15 communities. Finally, 17 three sort containers are slated to be delivered to schools located in the Greensboro City limits to enhance recycling efforts in schools. To date, we have been very pleased with all of the products we have received from Busch Systems.