Your Direct Source for Customizable Recycling Bins & Waste Containers

Busch Systems Glossary Terms


What is Waste?

Waste is something that is thrown away because it is no longer useful. Items should only be considered Waste if they cannot be recycled. Generally, Waste is disposed of by curbside collection or p...


What is the Waste/Recycling Hierarchy?

The waste/recycling hierarchy is designed to encourage people to be more conscientious in both the waste they produce and how it is managed. This is often referred to as the “3 R’s of Recycling...


What is a Windrow?

A Windrow is an elongated mound made from compostable material. Farmers commonly use these hills as a method of producing compost. In this process, farmers collect raw materials to form these mou...


What is a Waste Audit?

A Waste Audit is an analysis of your facility's refuse streams. It can identify what types of recyclable materials and waste your facility generates and how much of each category is recovered for r...


What is a Water Footprint?

Water footprint is a measurement that totals the amount of water that is consumed by a process, individual, community, company, etc.
